I'm thinking in the following way:
- Collages All
- Collages Digital
- Collages Handmade
- Collages HighQuality
- Photos All
- Photos Animals
- Photos Nature
- Photos Humans
But because of the sizes of the sets (up to 100 images in each (i hope)) all these sets could be subGrouped by YEAR so one can see the "evolution" and navigate trough the years and types.
Why? i would like to see for example:
- CollagesDigital + 2005
Wouldn't you find it usefull?
Possible solutions:
1. Type>Set and Year>Tag
I can create a Set for each Type and give a tag for each year
- there's no API to retrieve all tags from a specific Tag.
2. Type>Tag and Year>Tag
Looks like this could work (e.g. CollagesDigital+2005)
- this might get very slow if i have many photos... or not?
...to be written more... soon, very soon...