Friday, September 15, 2006


Collage, like any other stuff, really works only if you're inspired.
Two hours ago (0h00 of 09/16) i started one. Again, using only one Magazine, which was, of course a National Geographic.
So i used the US Edition of July 2006, which has nice Panda photos.

I took some photos during the gluing process, enjoy:

1. all images (+source) and material (glue, scissor, black 'cartolina')

2. Cutting the Panda's legs out!

3. Gluing the Panda (i'm using this as Wallpaper):

4. Finished!, now i've to cut the collage out of the black paper (cartolina):

5. So it looks this way:

Done in 1h!
+ 1h for flickr&blog. (2am now)... going to bed.
You can see this photos bigger here.
Update: Here is the Edited Panda Collage.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Reijseger Sylla Gueye Trio

Yesterday i saw an amazing concert: Ernst Reijseger, Mola Sylla & Serigne Gueye. I think they're playing mostly the Janna album (Get it here, and sent me a copy please [got it!]: ).
I've uploaded this video of the trio playing, but i didn't cared about image, only the audio.
I've found also some other project of them in video: Groovy and Double Duty.


Thursday, September 7, 2006

Collages for Sale

I still don't know how i will manage the transportation of the artworks since from Brazil its amazingly expensive to make international delivery but i've just added the Collages For Sale section here on my website. Enjoy!

By the way, for now, i won't be pricing the collages, so i want you to tell me how much you want to pay for it. Cool isn't it?

Tuesday, September 5, 2006