Monday, October 23, 2006

Barba, Dawn, Gaia

So here are three new analog collages (smaller than A4). Enjoy...

Barba Flower

Dawn Wanderer
Dawn Wanderer

cu y de gaia 2
cu y de gaia 2

Monday, October 16, 2006

Fun, Ensaio and H2O

Three of my somewhat bigger collages (> than A4) that i finally managed to Digitize (using this technique)!

Fun (a collaboration with Paulinho)

Ensaio sobre a Pintura: Caravaggio meets Gisele
ac_Ensaio sobre a Pintura

H2O Forever
ac_H2O Forever

How to take a Photo of a Collage

iuriBook @ sohaclarathats the way:
- using 2 lamps (40W) making a 45ยบ light incision on the image/collage/painting;
- the ladder i've used as Manual Image Stabilization;
- to further the Stabilization process i've made a 2s SelfTimer.
- Then, afterwards on photoshop you might use Levels>SetWhitePoint to make to white, white! (because of the bad light).

It (kind of) works like a charm, altough i prefer my scanner for the smaller collages. So now you'll see 2 bigger analog collages i've made on 2004 and 2005 (and hadn't worked out a way to digitalize them - they're framed!)

Wednesday, October 4, 2006


iuriBook @ sohaclaraSo that's my first laptop: iBook G4 (14inch / 1.2GHz / 256RAM / 60GB).
I'm gradually moving my dialy life to it (obviously called: iuriBook).
Since i'm still learning how to use OS X (i'm on 10.4.8 now).
Thanks Kike for this great deal!!

Impressions on how i'm dealing laptop / OSX and mobile life to come...

managing iTunes on OSX

ok, iTunes sucks, but since i don't have musikCube on my iuriBook (OSX) [will post about it soon], i'll have to get around with it. So i figured out how to manage my folders without iTunes messing the names (and having a Watched Folder).
On "Preferences > Advanced", uncheck both 'keep iTunes folder organized' and 'copy files iTunes music folder...'

So this way i can add my songs, the way i like (Genre/Artist/Album). And everytime i update my library (manually copying the song to my Music Folder) i just need to update it by selecting "File > Add to Library..." and choose my Music Folder.

So the songs that where already there don't loose their ratings. And i can move the songs around the folders and it still keeps track of them.