Monday, October 27, 2008

Tagging Music

So i've spend the entire saturday fixing the ID3v2 Tags of my MP3. I couldn't finish all (the 50GBs) of my 'YET_TO_TAG' folder. But i managed to do half, on the easiest, of course. (Using ID3-Tagit for Windows).

Today i tried to run into the big problems: Classical and Electronic (DJ Remixes).

And there is no ONE way to tag a song, no formal rule...

So after checking out some forums, i liked the idea of Kerensky97 on this post:
when it comes to:
Classical music I use the composer as the artist.
Pop music the performer as the artist.
And DJ remixes is a gray area but usually the DJ as artist.

Hopefully i'll remember this and 'fix' all my music...

Next part of my winter will be images with their IPTC Tags...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bebum Collage

ac_Bebum, originally uploaded by iurikothe. Made on 081023, size: 22.5x14.5 cm.

On my last post i was struggling because i couldn't see any relationship between the images i had (newest National Geographics).

So today, there i go again trying to use only the November 2008 edition of the Nat.Geo. but the collage was getting very very cliche: using monkey and chimps and making a 'human's destroy nature' collage, which i got really tired of doing. I want something new...

So while trying to make a collage these two images where together on the side, the drunk mexican and the primate (yes, i like primates). So i played a little with both and there we had a nice connection.


Monday, October 20, 2008


Always when i stay for some weeks (or even months) without making (or trying to make) a collage, the first hours (or days) are REALLY frustrating...

I just can't see any connections between the images...

Its ruff, feeling that you might have lost all your creativity and won't ever be able to make an artwork again.

Well, let me get back to my magazines, hopefully the first idea will still come today...

Winter is almost arriving here in seattle, and today i got a scanner working, so i'll probably try to get back to my smaller (<A4) collages...

Hope so...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My first and second collages made in USA

As you all know, keeping yourself organized is still a pain. I made two collages in Seattle in this 3 months that i was there (now i'm in Brazil, but monday i'm back there). And after finishing comes the pain of documenting them: taking photo (at least i stopped scanning them), tagging, adding to my collages excel with sizes and sources, editing on photoshop, uploading to flickr, and finally posting them on this blog...

Enough sad, here they are (click on the images to see them bigger in flickr - click All Sizes above the image there):

Size: 28x36 cm.
Date: 080808.
Source: Nat Geos US: 0808, 0807, 0505


Size: 48x68.5 cm.
Date: 080901.
Source: Nat Geos US: 0305, 0807, 0208, 0402, 0601, 0401, 0405.

Hopefully i'll show you some more collages in the upcoming seattle rainy winter months : )