Monday, October 27, 2008

Tagging Music

So i've spend the entire saturday fixing the ID3v2 Tags of my MP3. I couldn't finish all (the 50GBs) of my 'YET_TO_TAG' folder. But i managed to do half, on the easiest, of course. (Using ID3-Tagit for Windows).

Today i tried to run into the big problems: Classical and Electronic (DJ Remixes).

And there is no ONE way to tag a song, no formal rule...

So after checking out some forums, i liked the idea of Kerensky97 on this post:
when it comes to:
Classical music I use the composer as the artist.
Pop music the performer as the artist.
And DJ remixes is a gray area but usually the DJ as artist.

Hopefully i'll remember this and 'fix' all my music...

Next part of my winter will be images with their IPTC Tags...


  1. That's a huge work!
    I have a music collection with almost the same size and never though on update their ID3 tags!

    It looks like winter comes with a lot of "free time"

  2. Diego,

    i tag my songs for 2 reasons:

    1. So i can search/browse trough my songs, using musikcube, iPod and iTunes.

    2. To Scrobble all my listening habits into
    So i know what i've listened to and can also get recommendations based on what i like (although this rarely worked for me and i don't used it so often, i already have too many songs : )
